Our goal is to provide complex services with the most efficient project realization procedure possible - both in terms of time and costs.
Thanks to the collaboration of specialists from various disciplines on one project, we can perform many tasks quicker and more precisely using each other's knowledge and experience.
Responding to the needs of the market is at the core of our company. At the time the company was established, what the market needed was IT support of business.
Over time, the scope of our business began to expand through the development of needs and expectations of our customers.
Interdisciplinary solutions
We are able to offer new customers comprehensive solutions that go far beyond standard solutions available on the market.
Experts in the biomedical field collaborate with the engineers who are able to design innovative solutions. IT Support Specialists supervise users, so that they can realize projects in accordance with their potential. Specialists provide solutions that are necessary for comfortable work.
We often use ready-made solutions, but more frequently we adapt the solutions to our client's needs, or create dedicated software solutions from scratch.
The availability of modern technology in-house is our forte
We have a prototype construction department at our disposal. Engineers can produce a finished project in-house, which significantly reduces the cost of the entire design process.
Our biomedical laboratory evaluates the newly created prototypes and ensures, among other things, their biocompatibility. The laboratory collaborates with major research centers in Poland and implements modern research methods.